Darren (Xing) alias (dc7590) got lost in Germany after doing an Erasmus exchange programme in Dortmund followed by a few years in Leipzig and then ended up in Frankfurt.
Toys with elearning & web stuff, speaks PHP, HTML, TCP/IP & sogar German (wann es sein muss).
When not there he is probably here:
(http://www.dmr-solutions.de) or here:
(http://www.phpugffm.de) or here:
(http://www.DevDusk.de) or here:
(http://www.webmontag.de) or here:
(http://www.frankfurt-gtug.de) or here:
(http://www.barcamp-rheinmain.de/) or here:
(http://www.php-unconference.de) or here:
or in code garden (Summer) aka The DevShed (Winter).